VETTER Solutions' Performance Improvement Consulting can help turn your organization into a well-oiled machine!

businessman stock graphYou’re under the gun to deliver results.

Your organization is facing pressure to improve operations, increase quality, decrease errors/mistakes,
and you are under the gun to deliver results.

woman searching binoculars SMALLWhere do you turn?

Faced with this kind of critical need for change some managers look inward hoping they can pull a rabbit out of their hats – after all they have 20 years of experience solving business problems; others turn outward hoping a consultant can tell them how to fix things; but the most important resource to turn around these situations might actually be your employees.

serious businesspeople pulling together

Employee engagement is essential.

Employee engagement is the secret weapon behind most truly successful companies. Failing to tap into this power is likely to be a costly mistake. Without their insights into the root causes, without their ideas to fix things, and without their active participation and commitment to implementing these changes, there is little hope for long-term improvement.

band-aid XYou need more than a ‘band-aid.’

Many companies think things are too desperate to commit employee resources to improvement efforts. Managers sometimes say, “Right now, things are so crazy that we just need to right the ship.” However, their impulsive decisions – which met with active employee resistance on all sides – quickly unravel their best efforts. Then, things degenerate even further until the situation truly is hopeless.

team brainstormingYou need a BETTER approach.

What’s needed is a way to focus the key stakeholders on the problems. Employees who understand the crisis, its implications, and their role in turning things around can and will rise to the challenge. They will need some training, tools, and guidance to work effectively in ways that may be unfamiliar to them; yet it’s a role many of them long to play. You need employee engagement systems and leadership to focus and support these employee problem-solving efforts. And, you’ll want to be able to measure the impact to ensure the solutions are working.

Our Consulting Philosophy


Our Consulting Services

(Please click the dropdown arrows to see specific topics.)

  • Organization Effectiveness
  • Management Effectiveness
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Personality (Myers-Briggs)
  • Conflict Styles

  • Executive retreats
  • Teambuilding Sessions
  • Team Problem Solving
  • Business Process Redesign
  • Mission and Visioning Sessions
  • Large Group Search Conferences
  • Employee or Client Focus Groups
  • Conflict Resolution

  • Identification of Opportunities
  • Employee Involvement
  • Recognition / Reward Systems
  • Communication Systems
  • Teams, Empowerment, Self-Direction
  • Measurement Systems
  • 5S / Visual Factory

  • Readiness Assessments
  • Organization Realignment
  • Process Re-engineering
  • Employee Involvement & Communication Systems
  • Transition Management
  • Risk and Contingency Planning

  • Needs Assessment
  • Process Documentation
  • Custom Curriculum Development
  • Training Skill Development
  • Consulting Skill Development
  • Human Performance Improvement
  • Quantifying Impact


  • "A rare set of skills in the consulting world"

    “Dan has very high standards and holds to them as he works patiently with employees to involve them in the process at each step of the way.  He delivers on time and on budget with clarity on deliverables throughout the process--a rare set of skills in the consulting world in my experience."

    Grace Merchant, Director of Training and OD for a large public utility (retired)
  • "Timeless and Useful Insights"

    "I experienced Dan's performance improvement facilitation through ASTD and SHRM learning opportunities some years ago. I still reference his materials on a regular basis. Dan provides timeless and useful insights to improve enterprise performance."

    David Birks, Learning Consultant at Woodward, Aug. 2014 via LinkedIn
  • "Brilliant and Understated Leadership"

    "As I’ve been around you over the many years, the more I’ve seen of Dan the Person and Dan the Professional, the more in awe I become of how respectfully and successfully you do what you do. Congratulations on your brilliant and understated leadership of the CCP, your success with your consulting business and also for showing through all that you do that nice guys can finish first. Appreciatively, " 

    Ray Redburn, former consulting team-member
  • "Incredible Support"

    “We have gone through a two-year process to complete the national Alliance of Information & Referral Systems Accreditation. [...] They loved the [measurement] dashboard, and they were very impressed with the new report I'm using based on the goals we defined. Thanks again for your incredible support -- please join the staff in feeling incredibly proud.”

    Jeri Shumate, Executive Director, 211info (Fall, 05)
  • "Knowledge, Energy and Commitment"

    "Dan did a terrific job of helping us to maintain focus and keep us moving forward.  He was excellent at ensuring coordination between project elements and performed a lot of heavy lifting throughout the project through hands on involvement in daily project activities.  I was grateful for his knowledge, energy and commitment to the project and really believe that he was key to the project’s success.  […]  Dan worked very well with staff and was an excellent mentor to them; he continually communicated their value to the project, and did an excellent job of recognizing their contributions."

    Cathy Clay-Eckton, Director of Aging and Disability Services, Multnomah County
  • "Your team made it happen!"

    "I just wanted to send a personal thank you to you and your team for working so hard to get us our product. I know we had changes up until the last minutes before the project was due and your team pushed forward and made it happen! This was my first experience managing this type of project and I came late to the party, however none of that mattered because you provided such great guidance and you know your stuff.  Thank You."

    Shannon Wilson, REA Training Coordinator, State of Oregon Employment Dept.

VETTER Solutions brings 25 years of experience in performance improvement consulting: We help organizations take the steps to engage employees in continuously improving their companies. We work with senior leaders to focus and prioritize the issues, identify and train employee teams, facilitate them through the problem solving process; and then measure the results.

Contact us today to start improving your performance!


Learn more about our consulting process and philosophy:

Our Consulting Philosophy
DanPerformance Improvement Consulting